Saturday, 23 August 2008

There is life in the "white spaces"

A really thrilling posting from the Google blog and plenty of interesting opinions from those who've linked to it. is an initiative to free up the "white spaces" for public use. As explained on the website, once the analogue TV signal is switched off (here in the UK this will be taking place from 2008 till 2012), wireless spectrum will be freed up. This can be utilised to bring the world closer to my idea of omnipresent wi-fi paradise! Minnie from Google called it wi-fi 2.0 (but she preferred the name "wi-fi on steroids"! =)

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Just a dream...

Because I use my phone so much, I sometimes dream about it at night too! This time it was one of those dreams that make me wake up in cold sweat.

The first part of my dream was about having my mobile (N95) stolen. Needless to say, a great part of my life is in my phone! Obviously I don't store stuff like PIN codes, but if you get hold of my phone, you can easily get into my inbox, my contacts, my calendar entries, etc. One of the things I got out of the dream is that it's definitely time for a Backup day, and another is that I should invest into anti-theft software for Symbian. It would be also really cool to have some red button control over my phone so that if it gets stolen, I can send a message to my phone, and it destroys all of my data on it.

The second part of my dream was about me looking at my phone screen and being able to track the contacts from my phone book. So, whenever someone from your phone book is within a certain range, the phone detects them, and displays a map with their location. Really cool, but the privacy aspect would probably discourage me from ever using such application.